The Rambling Cursor

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Hello from the South to everyone who drops in for a visit. My name is Jolly and, yes, that is my real name. I am a Squarespace Web Designer, a graphic designer, an artist, a photographer, a dreamer and a big fan of Patsy Cline. I was raised on country music, gospel music and fried chicken. I come from a long line of storytellers and my favorite way to tell a story is through poetry. I have always thought in rhymes. I found myself in church wondering what would rhyme with Jesus as I listened to the Sermons. My Pops, Tim, was a wonderful storyteller. I could sit and listen to him weave his yarns all day long and sometimes did just that. I’m sad to say that he passed on a few years ago but me, my sister, brother and nephew all inherited his love of the story. My mom, Mary, has a wicked wit about her and keeps us all laughing with her one-liners. I have a great passion for all animals, especially dogs, and I love to sit in my rocking chair on the porch of The Barn and just soak in the sounds and beauty surrounding me. The earth is alive and it has stories to tell if only we learn how to listen. I love to travel to new places, mainly little towns with town squares and ice cream shops on the corner. Striking up conversations seems to come naturally to me although I’m not quite sure how that happened as I have always been a very introverted person. I love to snap photos everywhere I go. Some of my best shots were taken from the passenger window as we zoomed by at 70 mph with the Hubs at the wheel. My Pops was a prolific photographer and I have the many thousands of slides that detail our lives. And without being too corny — “Yes, it was/is a wonderful life!”

I hope through my ramblings and poetry and photos, etc. everyone will find a treasure that resonants deep down in their soul and brings a smile to their face. So please enjoy and leave me a comment. Also sign up to follow my blog — if I remember to activate these features.

Welcome to The Rambling Cursor!

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This Blog is dedicated to my Pops.

Thanks for all of the stories, hugs, laughter, adventures, showing your love of God and for being a stellar role model.

You were my biggest fan and my best friend.

Thanks for showing up now and then when I need you.

Sending all my love to you in Heaven.

Until we meet again . . .